
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Progressives Care About...

This is in response to questions 1 and 2: What do you want? What do you care about? One person responded:

I want for my family: No more war, a secure homeland, a stable economy, an excellent education, and excellent health care.

I want for my community: Peace, an end to poverty, equal opportunities, a healthy environment, children free from abuse, care for the mentally ill, and affordable health care.

I want for my world: Peace, an end to child slavery, equality for women, an end to poverty.

I care about: All of the above- and an end to divisiveness in this country. I am tired of the arguing every time a bill is even about to be introduced!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Survey: Thought-Provoking Questions for the Liberal-Minded

1. What do you want
for your family?
for your community?
for the world?

2. What do you care about?

3. What needs to be changed or solved
in our community?
in the world?

4. What do you believe in?

5. Complete the sentence (or paragraph, or essay...):
"In an ideal community..."

6. Do you have thoughts about how to address the following problems? If you do, please share.
• Climate / environment / habitat
• Recession / economy / jobs
• Education
• Poverty
• Iraq / Afghanistan
• Israel / Palestine
• Threat of terrorism
• Middle East Instability
• Any other urgent problem

What Makes MAP Tick?

Here is one response to the second question of our survey. In a few days I'll start publishing entire survey responses (anonymously, unless I have permission from the authors)and begin to draw out common threads.

What do you care about?
1. Food encompasses so much.
Eating well in a way that respects the farmers and laborers (not
exposing them to toxins); in a way that nourishes the body (food is
made up of chemicals – keep them balanced); in a way that respects our
place in evolution (no GMOs); sustainably, so that we don’t consume
more rapidly than the earth can continue to provide (less meat).
2. Maintaining our habitat so that it is a place for our children to thrive
3. Meeting at least the basic needs of people in our country (food,
shelter, clean air, clean water, preventative health care, education)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What makes TP tick?

Are you wondering what makes Tea Party folks tick?

If 4% of the general public has attended a TP event or given money to the TP, maybe we need to "wake up and stand up" to quote the Coffee Party. Not that we need to be the Coffee Party (though it's a cool thing). But we need to act. In an organized way.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is an outline of what I heard Mon night from Mr. Flerlage, which is consistent with what is on his website. Based on this, we could give him some feedback as to what might be helpful to add.

John Flerlage for Congressional District 6 in Colorado

John is running for Congress to represent CD 6 because we need to change the odds. It will be an uphill battle in this District, since in order to change the odds we need to reach Unaffiliated and Independent voters. They are the voters who changed the odds to elect President Obama in ’08. Here’s an outline of Mr. Flerlage’s approach to representing our district and to his campaign:

Changing the Odds

We need to change the odds in CD6.

We change the odds by reaching Unaffiliated & Independent(?) voters.

We reach the Unaffiliated & Independent voters by

  • Listening
  • Telling the truth

Representing Colorado CD 6

John’s priorities will be:

  • Ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars responsibly
  • Bringing jobs to our district, to Colorado, and to the USA
  • Implementing a vision for the future of our district

The Economy runs on:

  • People
  • Energy
  • Trade


· Invest in K-12

· Invest in Headstart

· Invest in community colleges

· Make college affordable for students in our district


For too long we’ve depended on:

· Old energy

· Debt

· Consumption

We need to focus on:

· New energy

· Investment

· Production


· Our district does not produce/export anything

· We need tax & trade policies to facilitate production and exporting of goods/services

On Monday night John also conveyed a lot about his background, philosophy and values that resonated deeply with me- which is the main reason I support him. I don't know exactly how you get decency & compassion across on a website, but it seems to me to be missing there.

Here's I would like to see additionally:

  • More about specific concerns & positions of Unaffiliated and Independent voters (the addition of Independent voters is mine-- maybe John's office has a reason for not mentioning Independent voters- I may be mistaken about this)
  • an outline of what his vision is, event though it likely repeats the points under Economy (People, Trade, Energy)
  • an outline of what constitutes "ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars responsibly"
  • elaboration on what CD 6 could produce/export

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reform Payday Lending in Colorado

JeffCo Boards and Commissions Openings

From a JeffCo email:
Board and Commission Members Assist in Governing Jeffco

Interested in how Jefferson County forms policies and procedures at Open Space parks? Want to have input into where the county's scientific and cultural grants go? Have ideas about what 4-H, horticulture and environmental educational programs should be offered at Jeffco's CSU Extension Office?

Apply to join one of the county's boards and commissions that help to make these and other important decisions.

The Board of County Commissioners appoints more than 300 citizens to serve on 15 boards and commissions. Members study issues in depth, oversee and make recommendations regarding specific county functions, and assist in governing Jefferson County.

The county is accepting applications through March 1, and new appointments are planned for March 31. The current openings are:

Board of Adjustment - 4 openings

Board of Health - 1 opening

Board of Review - 2 openings

Citizen Review Panel - 3 openings

Community Service Advisory Board - 1 opening

CSU Extension Advisory Board - 6 openings

Developmental Disabilities Resource Center - 1 opening

Fair Advisory Board - 2 openings

Historical Commission - 1 opening

Library Board - 3 openings

Open Space Advisory Committee - 4 openings

Planning Commission - 3 openings

Scientific & Cultural Facilities District - 1 opening

Tri-County Workforce Investment Board - 5 openings

Help shape your county's future. Join a Jeffco board or commission!

For more information, visit: or e-mail

Road to Recovery

We still have a long way to go, but one year after President Obama signed the Recovery Act into law, it's clear that we are now on the road to recovery. Watch short chart/video here.

Colorado Energy Jobs Summit

Senator Mark Udall is holding a Colorado Energy Jobs Summit on February 19th "bringing together a diverse group of business leaders, scientists, energy and environmental advocacy groups, and local public officials to participate in a Colorado Energy Jobs Summit."

At 1:30pm Feb 19, tune in to a live webcast of a question and answer session he'll be hosting with Energy Secretary Steven Chu and 9News moderator Adam Schrager

Monday, February 15, 2010

Obama/Bennett Fundraiser

February 18th, 2pm
$25 - 250 tickets
Fillmore Auditorium

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Congressman Coffman Townhall Meeting

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. MT
Evergreen Fire / Rescue Administration Training Building
1802 Bergen Parkway

Thursday, February 11, 2010

John Flerlage, Representative Coffman's Democratic challenger

Monday, February 22, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Evergreen Library

Sponsored by Organizing for America

Colorado Women's Legislative Breakfast

7:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 17th, 2010 Colorado History Museum
$15 More information and registration here:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Great Decisions - China

The Great Decisions China meeting will be Friday, Feb 12. A family China Potluck night will be Friday, March 5. You do not need to participate in Great Decisions to be part of the family night. Please contact Susan or Katherine for more information.

If you'd like to learn more about China in the meantime the library has quite a few resources. Some of our favorites right now are:

  • Wild China by the BBC (video) - the scenery and videography is spectacular
  • Families in China (video) - a comparison of the life of a 9-year old boy in rural China vs. an 8-year old girl in urban China.
  • Walker and Ping Ping (cartoon video about a Chinese Market and the Great Wall)
  • Wild Swans True story of a 3-generations of women in China
  • The Good Earth, Pearl Buck (Novel)

A Taste of China Potluck

The Progressive Parents subgroup studying the Foreign Policy Association's Great Decisions program is currently reading about the relationship between China and the US. In addition to the topic discussion night, a family night has been scheduled for anyone interested in participating - learning about and experiencing a taste of China.
  • Fri, March 5, 5:30pm – 9:00pm
  • Featuring kids activities, food, music, art, culture
  • RSVP to Katherine Hahn
Please plan to bring a Chinese dish to share. The more participants - the more fun we will have and the more we will learn. If you have something to share on this night-- a story, slides, art, music, anything-- please do!
For the kids - It might be fun for the kids to make a mask, dress up or bring a stuffed animal of their Chinese Zodiac sign to share that night.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rep Perlmutter at Jeffco Dems

Jeffco Dems 2nd Saturday
February 13, 2010

Special guest Congressman Ed Perlmutter 2nd Congressional District

Representative Perlmutter will give insights into his life in Congress and update on current legislation.

Meet at the American Legion Post 178, 1655 Simms Street, Lakewood. Doors open at 8:30 AM and breakfast is served at 9 AM.

Breakfast is $10 (cash or check payable to American Legion Post 178). Park in the South parking lot.

RSVP to the Jeffco Dems office 303-237-1359 or by Wednesday, February 10.

As part of giving back to the community, please bring non-perishable food items which will be donated to a local food bank.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Take Action this Week

Below are a few of the issues going on which we think you  might want to have a say on - Colorado, US or International focused. Some are campaigns, others are legislation. This is your "one-stop" for discovering issues on which you'd like to voice your opinion. If you have suggestions for others to be included, please email

Health care reform - take action!

Spread the word to end the word - pledge to eliminate the use of "retarded" in our everyday language.

From Environment Colorado - deliver a message to the Colorado State House - We support Colorado's renewable energy future.

Tell Tom Tancredo he doesn't speak for you, "people who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House." He added that President Obama was elected because "we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote." (NY Daily News, 2/5/10)
Tancredo praised the radical 'Tea Partiers' for launching a "revolution," and told the audience gathered that "it is our nation."

 Urge Your Member of Congress to Co-Sponsor the International Violence Against Women Act

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting the word out

Progressive Parents has been listed on the following meeting/organization/calendar listings and establishments throughout Evergreen. Please submit your recommendations.

Mountain Connection
Denver Post YOUR HUB
American Towns
Canyon Courier

Still working on:

The flyers have been hung at the Ice House Cafe, King Soopers, Vitamin Cottage, and on the board next to the Wood Cellar.

It will be hung for one week at the library.

Copies of the flyer will be available at the next meeting so you can request it be hung at establishments you frequent (eg. chiropractors, wellness centers, accupuncturists, churches, etc.)

Please submit other ideas you have for physical or online posting locations.

Here is a posting of the flyer and suggested email wording if you'd like to invite others to join us.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

You might be a liberal if you...

  • Believe in and are willing to defend
    • civil rights (right to equal treatment - free from discrimination based on race, gender, disability, etc. in employment, housing, etc.)
    • civil liberties
      • freedom of speech and thought
      • the right to privacy 
      • the right to be free from unreasonable searches of your home
      • the right to a fair court trial
      • the right to marry (whomever you please!)
      • the right to vote
    • representative democracy
    • the rule of law
    • the common good
    • separation of church and state
    • protection of the environment
    • peace
  • Believe you can make the world a better place and that in fact, you have an obligation to your fellow human beings to do exactly that
  • Embrace the idea of a social contract - meaning it is to mankind's mutual advantage to band together and cooperate
  • Are not bound by tradition
  • Are open to change
  • Are tolerant - of speech, religion, choice,
  • Encourage diplomacy over war knowing we can more effectively lead by the power of our example than the example of our power paraphrased from President Bill Clinton
  • Know it is your duty to be an active, effective citizen
  • Demand a well-functioning government to provide the structure for improving the life for citizens through allowing and providing to all:
    • freedom - speech, privacy, religion, economic, press, assembly, movement, participation
    • due process of the law, right to a fair trial
    • equality
    • competitive education
    • world-class health care
    • police, fire, roads, courts, national parks, national security
  • And, you are especially liberal if you understand that it requires taxes to pay for these services
What did I miss? What does being a liberal/progressive mean to you?

Action Alerts

I've started to sign up the for action alerts from different public interest groups who can make us aware of issues we may be interested in following up on. The list is below, please make your recommendations of other groups we should be following. I will continue to update it as I find them and hear from you. Thanks!

Organizing for America

Planned Parenthood
Health Care for All Colorado

Great Education

Environment Colorado

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

An ad we don't want to see during the Super Bowl

Send CBS the message that now is not the time to cave and run an ad for special interests. There have never been political or issue ads run during the Super Bowl - until this year. Desperate for ad income CBS is willing to break tradition/policy and run ad for Focus on the Family.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Magazine Exchange

If anyone is interested in a magazine exchange bring your relatively current issues to the next Progressive Parents meeting. Those magazines not taken by the end of the meeting will be dropped off at the library or recycling center.

Re-use - good for the environment and good for your pocket book!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Opt out of phone book delivery

No more phonebooks! Penny Parker posted 2 links to add UR name to the do not deliver list. Too late for this year - but you won't get them next year:

Dex Go to; scroll down 2 bottom of home page; click "select your Dex"; type in ZIP code, brings U 2 page asking 4 address. Drop-down menu lets U select publica...tions 2 receive or opt out.

Yellow Book lets U opt out thru

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Progressive Parents Meeting Times

Our next meeting will be Thurs Feb 4. After that we will meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday each month (including Feb - so we will also meet Feb 11 and 25). We meet at the Icehouse (next to the Little Bear) at 9:30 am.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another view of the China/US relationship

If you'd like to read a different opinion to Zachary Karabell's on the importance of China and the US:

Zachary Karabell - The US and China Relationship

Tuesday, January 19th Zachary Karabell spoke at the Foothills World Affairs Council at Mt Vernon Country Club. The author of "Superfusion: How China And America Became One Economy And Why The World's Prosperity Depends On It" was incredibly knowledgeable on the US/China relationship and his humor made the presentation all the more enjoyable.

Overview of his speech -
When we look back we will see that the defining event of the 21st century was not terrorism, the Middle East and the conflict of religions. We will see that it was China joining the World Trade Organization in 2001. Karabell likened the rise of China to that of the Renaissance. People going through that time didn't say, "cool, we're in the Renaissance" rather it was a dramatic change that was only obvious in retrospect.

He questions the accusations of instability for the US (think recent financial crisis) due to the US relationship with China and counters that our dependence on one another (albeit reluctant on both sides) is rather currently a source of stability. His example was the fluidity of money between the two countries - a super simplified example (his had many more layers and details but it showed the money flowing back and forth): JP Morgan Stanley investing $10 billion in China, China buying $10 billion US Treasury Bonds, US Govt loaning Morgan Stanley $10 billion in bailout.

The story of China's 20 years of evolution is also a US story. After Tianamen Square, the Chinese elites knew they had to make a change to avoid a future similar to the fall of the USSR. They were not willing to make a political change but they did undertake "hypercharged" economic reform by opening their doors to investments of time and money from the West.  The US was dominant on the world stage economically so they were the natural partner. And, China was a dynamic source of growth for US companies (eg. Avon, Walmart, KFC, Fed Ex) - so it was a natural fit.

What does the future hold for this relationship?
Our commonality is capitalism. China will be looking for places to invest. Both countries will be looking for ways to preserve the environment and resources. But, there will be a shift in power and it will be challenging for the US. "How China and the United States manage their relationship will determine whether the coming decades witness increased global prosperity or greater instability." Both countries are struggling for their sovereignty but "the fusion has advanced too far for either to extricate itself without severe harm." The US has to let go of some power and China needs to accept the responsibility of becoming a major world player.

Karabell sees the likelihood of two scenarios depending on the US reaction to China's rise:
  1. European Union-like relationship - joint/similar banking/currency systems
  2. US/Great Britain-like relationship in 1946 - one country holding sway and economic control over the other
What do we need to do to avoid the second? Keep innovating and inventing. Stop worrying about what the Chinese are copying. If they are always playing catch-up they will not take the lead. Stop complaining about unfair advantages and so forth. Instead take the initiative. Don't fear Chinese investment in the US.

Quotes above are from:

He will be speaking at the Institute of International Education on January 20th which will be shown on C-SPAN. A link to his presentation will be provided when published.

His research company:

From Wikipedia: Karabell is President of River Twice Research, where he analyzes economic and political trends. He is also a Senior Advisor for Business for Social Responsibility. Previously, he was Executive Vice President, Head of Marketing and Chief Economist at Fred Alger Management, a New York-based investment firm, and President of Fred Alger and Company, as well as Portfolio Manager of the China-US Growth Fund, which won both a Lipper Award for top performance and a 5-star designation from Morningstar. He was also Executive Vice President of Alger's Spectra Funds, a no-load family of mutual funds that launched the $30 million Spectra Green Fund, which was based on the idea that profit and sustainability are linked. At Alger, he oversaw the creation, launch and marketing of several funds, led corporate strategy for acquisitions, and represented the firm at public forums and in the media.

Educated at Columbia, Oxford, and Harvard, where he received his Ph.D., he is the author of several books, including the recently published Superfusion: How China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends on It (Simon & Schuster, 2009) and previous books such as A Visionary Nation: Four Centuries of American Dreams and What Lies Ahead, The Last Campaign: How Harry Truman Won the 1948 Election (which won the Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize for best non-fiction book of the year), and Peace Be Upon You: The Story of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Coexistence (Knopf, 2007), which examined the forgotten legacy of peace among the three faiths.

In 2003, the World Economic Forum designated Zachary a "Global Leader for Tomorrow." He sits on the board of the World Policy Institute and the New America Foundation, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a regular commentator on national news programs, such as CNBC, CNN, and a contributor to such publications as The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Newsweek and Foreign Affairs.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Go Lead Training - Lobbying

Wednesday, January 27
5:30-7:30 p.m.
@ the Colorado Education Association
(1500 Grant St., Denver)

2010 Go Lead training series plans to develop the next generation of policy and community leaders. First topic of 2010: Lobbying. Get your voice heard at the state capitol. More than 500 bills will be introduced this year; have an impact on the issues that matter to you!

Featuring State Senator Morgan Carroll and Lobbyist Heather Atkinson of Siegal Public Affairs.

Parking available in lot next to building. ** Food provided! **

RSVP to Faith at (please include Go Lead RSVP in your subject line).

The Go Lead program is a series of monthly trainings designed to increase your leadership and give you the skills to be an effective advocate. The Go Lead Training program will be held the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Colorado Education Association.

The Colorado Go Lead Training series is brought to you by: 9 to 5 National Association of Working Women, Center for Progressive Leadership, Colorado Black Women for Political Action, Colorado Education Association, Colorado Organization of Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR), Latina Initiative, NARAL Colorado, New Era Colorado, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, The White House Project

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Free Activist Workshop

Saturday, January 23, 2009 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
University Colorado at Denver, Auraria campus

The training is being run by Environment Colorado and the Public Interest Network and will feature sessions on:
* The best techniques for organizing your neighbors to take action,

* The best ways to persuade your local media to cover an issue you care about.

It's a chance to learn, share ideas, and connect with other environmentally active citizens, as well as activists from other causes. And it's free.

Training will take place at the Auraria Campus near downtown Denver. The training will be held in North Classroom Building room NC 1204. The NorthClassroom Building is located on the corner Larimer St and Speer Blvd, across from the athletic fields. From parking lots, the North Classroom building is straight east, past the Tivoli Student Union, on the right hand side as you walk toward Larimer St. There is a large campus map in the Tivoli Commons, as you walk east from the parking lots. Campus map: _ map: _

2010 Jeffco Primary Election Mail-in ballot

The JeffCo Clerk and Recorder's Office will be receiving public input regarding whether or not the 2010 Primary Election shall be conducted by mail-in ballot from January 29 through February 12, 2010. Comments in favor or opposed to a mail-in ballot Primary may be submitted by email to, by phone at (303) 271-8111, or by delivering written comments to the Clerk and Recorder's Office at 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 2560, Golden, CO 80419.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Great Decisions

Great Decision books were delivered for those who paid. If you'd still like to join us you can order through the website.

These are the topics that will be covered this year.
  • Special envoys
  • Kenya and R2P
  • Global crime
  • U.S.-China security relations
  • Global financial crisis
  • Russia and its neighbors
  • Persian Gulf
  • Peace building and conflict resolution
You do not need to attend all of the meetings. The Evergreen Library will also have a GD group meeting on six of the topics late spring/early summer so if you miss one of ours you can attend theirs. The library's schedule will be posted when available.

We are meeting the second Friday of each month. The first meeting is February 12th. Time and location still to be determined.

China will be our first topic (it is #4 in the book) because there are several speakers coming to town:
a. China and America Tue, January 19, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Mount Vernon Country Club (we can meet for dinner beforehand $16, or drinks after - only need to RSVP for dinner)

b. China Rising Tue, February 9, 7pm – 9pm
Gates Concert Hall, Newman Center for the Performing Arts, University of Denver Campus (need to RSVP)

We discussed expanding the GD focus to include more than just the topics in the book. Instead picking a country to go along with the topic and learning more about the country's religions and visiting a place of worship if there is one in Colorado, traditions, music, food, authors, etc.

Growing Progressive Parents

Many of us believe there are plenty of "closet" liberals in Evergreen who would appreciate being a part of a group of like-minded individuals in a safe setting. So, we'd like to get the word out. Please invite people you think might be interested in joining us.

We plan to design posters and flyers with the following information, we'd appreciate your feedback:

If you'd like to invite people to join, here is suggested copy for an email if you'd like to use it or modify it:

I thought you might be interested in attending a meeting of the recently created Progressive Parents. The group formed this past fall to offer forward-thinking parents a place to share ideas and thoughts on politics. Since its formation it has evolved to a group dedicated to learning more about current events, finding causes we can support as a group and giving "liberals and progressives" a face in the Evergreen community.

There is no time or monetary commitment. You can attend meetings and social gatherings, lead topic discussions or just follow along on Facebook and the blog - whatever fits best for you.

If you'd like more information, ask me or check out the Facebook page: or the recently created blog:


As a group we'd like to give regularly to others in need. We discussed bringing items to each meeting and then someone will deliver:

  • Food Pantry for Molholm elementary in Lakewood needs canned and dry food - Many of these students are homeless and very poor. One of the teachers has started a food bank for them to make sure students take home food to eat.

  • ADOPT a school - Risa has a great idea to help Jeffco schools with students that are in need with school items, clothes, food, etc. She is researching what that would entail.