
Thursday, January 28, 2010

You might be a liberal if you...

  • Believe in and are willing to defend
    • civil rights (right to equal treatment - free from discrimination based on race, gender, disability, etc. in employment, housing, etc.)
    • civil liberties
      • freedom of speech and thought
      • the right to privacy 
      • the right to be free from unreasonable searches of your home
      • the right to a fair court trial
      • the right to marry (whomever you please!)
      • the right to vote
    • representative democracy
    • the rule of law
    • the common good
    • separation of church and state
    • protection of the environment
    • peace
  • Believe you can make the world a better place and that in fact, you have an obligation to your fellow human beings to do exactly that
  • Embrace the idea of a social contract - meaning it is to mankind's mutual advantage to band together and cooperate
  • Are not bound by tradition
  • Are open to change
  • Are tolerant - of speech, religion, choice,
  • Encourage diplomacy over war knowing we can more effectively lead by the power of our example than the example of our power paraphrased from President Bill Clinton
  • Know it is your duty to be an active, effective citizen
  • Demand a well-functioning government to provide the structure for improving the life for citizens through allowing and providing to all:
    • freedom - speech, privacy, religion, economic, press, assembly, movement, participation
    • due process of the law, right to a fair trial
    • equality
    • competitive education
    • world-class health care
    • police, fire, roads, courts, national parks, national security
  • And, you are especially liberal if you understand that it requires taxes to pay for these services
What did I miss? What does being a liberal/progressive mean to you?

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