
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Growing Progressive Parents

Many of us believe there are plenty of "closet" liberals in Evergreen who would appreciate being a part of a group of like-minded individuals in a safe setting. So, we'd like to get the word out. Please invite people you think might be interested in joining us.

We plan to design posters and flyers with the following information, we'd appreciate your feedback:

If you'd like to invite people to join, here is suggested copy for an email if you'd like to use it or modify it:

I thought you might be interested in attending a meeting of the recently created Progressive Parents. The group formed this past fall to offer forward-thinking parents a place to share ideas and thoughts on politics. Since its formation it has evolved to a group dedicated to learning more about current events, finding causes we can support as a group and giving "liberals and progressives" a face in the Evergreen community.

There is no time or monetary commitment. You can attend meetings and social gatherings, lead topic discussions or just follow along on Facebook and the blog - whatever fits best for you.

If you'd like more information, ask me or check out the Facebook page: or the recently created blog:

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