
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Great Decisions - China

The Great Decisions China meeting will be Friday, Feb 12. A family China Potluck night will be Friday, March 5. You do not need to participate in Great Decisions to be part of the family night. Please contact Susan or Katherine for more information.

If you'd like to learn more about China in the meantime the library has quite a few resources. Some of our favorites right now are:

  • Wild China by the BBC (video) - the scenery and videography is spectacular
  • Families in China (video) - a comparison of the life of a 9-year old boy in rural China vs. an 8-year old girl in urban China.
  • Walker and Ping Ping (cartoon video about a Chinese Market and the Great Wall)
  • Wild Swans True story of a 3-generations of women in China
  • The Good Earth, Pearl Buck (Novel)

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