
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Makes MAP Tick?

Here is one response to the second question of our survey. In a few days I'll start publishing entire survey responses (anonymously, unless I have permission from the authors)and begin to draw out common threads.

What do you care about?
1. Food encompasses so much.
Eating well in a way that respects the farmers and laborers (not
exposing them to toxins); in a way that nourishes the body (food is
made up of chemicals – keep them balanced); in a way that respects our
place in evolution (no GMOs); sustainably, so that we don’t consume
more rapidly than the earth can continue to provide (less meat).
2. Maintaining our habitat so that it is a place for our children to thrive
3. Meeting at least the basic needs of people in our country (food,
shelter, clean air, clean water, preventative health care, education)

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