
Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is an outline of what I heard Mon night from Mr. Flerlage, which is consistent with what is on his website. Based on this, we could give him some feedback as to what might be helpful to add.

John Flerlage for Congressional District 6 in Colorado

John is running for Congress to represent CD 6 because we need to change the odds. It will be an uphill battle in this District, since in order to change the odds we need to reach Unaffiliated and Independent voters. They are the voters who changed the odds to elect President Obama in ’08. Here’s an outline of Mr. Flerlage’s approach to representing our district and to his campaign:

Changing the Odds

We need to change the odds in CD6.

We change the odds by reaching Unaffiliated & Independent(?) voters.

We reach the Unaffiliated & Independent voters by

  • Listening
  • Telling the truth

Representing Colorado CD 6

John’s priorities will be:

  • Ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars responsibly
  • Bringing jobs to our district, to Colorado, and to the USA
  • Implementing a vision for the future of our district

The Economy runs on:

  • People
  • Energy
  • Trade


· Invest in K-12

· Invest in Headstart

· Invest in community colleges

· Make college affordable for students in our district


For too long we’ve depended on:

· Old energy

· Debt

· Consumption

We need to focus on:

· New energy

· Investment

· Production


· Our district does not produce/export anything

· We need tax & trade policies to facilitate production and exporting of goods/services

On Monday night John also conveyed a lot about his background, philosophy and values that resonated deeply with me- which is the main reason I support him. I don't know exactly how you get decency & compassion across on a website, but it seems to me to be missing there.

Here's I would like to see additionally:

  • More about specific concerns & positions of Unaffiliated and Independent voters (the addition of Independent voters is mine-- maybe John's office has a reason for not mentioning Independent voters- I may be mistaken about this)
  • an outline of what his vision is, event though it likely repeats the points under Economy (People, Trade, Energy)
  • an outline of what constitutes "ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars responsibly"
  • elaboration on what CD 6 could produce/export

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