
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Progressives Care About...

This is in response to questions 1 and 2: What do you want? What do you care about? One person responded:

I want for my family: No more war, a secure homeland, a stable economy, an excellent education, and excellent health care.

I want for my community: Peace, an end to poverty, equal opportunities, a healthy environment, children free from abuse, care for the mentally ill, and affordable health care.

I want for my world: Peace, an end to child slavery, equality for women, an end to poverty.

I care about: All of the above- and an end to divisiveness in this country. I am tired of the arguing every time a bill is even about to be introduced!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Survey: Thought-Provoking Questions for the Liberal-Minded

1. What do you want
for your family?
for your community?
for the world?

2. What do you care about?

3. What needs to be changed or solved
in our community?
in the world?

4. What do you believe in?

5. Complete the sentence (or paragraph, or essay...):
"In an ideal community..."

6. Do you have thoughts about how to address the following problems? If you do, please share.
• Climate / environment / habitat
• Recession / economy / jobs
• Education
• Poverty
• Iraq / Afghanistan
• Israel / Palestine
• Threat of terrorism
• Middle East Instability
• Any other urgent problem

What Makes MAP Tick?

Here is one response to the second question of our survey. In a few days I'll start publishing entire survey responses (anonymously, unless I have permission from the authors)and begin to draw out common threads.

What do you care about?
1. Food encompasses so much.
Eating well in a way that respects the farmers and laborers (not
exposing them to toxins); in a way that nourishes the body (food is
made up of chemicals – keep them balanced); in a way that respects our
place in evolution (no GMOs); sustainably, so that we don’t consume
more rapidly than the earth can continue to provide (less meat).
2. Maintaining our habitat so that it is a place for our children to thrive
3. Meeting at least the basic needs of people in our country (food,
shelter, clean air, clean water, preventative health care, education)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What makes TP tick?

Are you wondering what makes Tea Party folks tick?

If 4% of the general public has attended a TP event or given money to the TP, maybe we need to "wake up and stand up" to quote the Coffee Party. Not that we need to be the Coffee Party (though it's a cool thing). But we need to act. In an organized way.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is an outline of what I heard Mon night from Mr. Flerlage, which is consistent with what is on his website. Based on this, we could give him some feedback as to what might be helpful to add.

John Flerlage for Congressional District 6 in Colorado

John is running for Congress to represent CD 6 because we need to change the odds. It will be an uphill battle in this District, since in order to change the odds we need to reach Unaffiliated and Independent voters. They are the voters who changed the odds to elect President Obama in ’08. Here’s an outline of Mr. Flerlage’s approach to representing our district and to his campaign:

Changing the Odds

We need to change the odds in CD6.

We change the odds by reaching Unaffiliated & Independent(?) voters.

We reach the Unaffiliated & Independent voters by

  • Listening
  • Telling the truth

Representing Colorado CD 6

John’s priorities will be:

  • Ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars responsibly
  • Bringing jobs to our district, to Colorado, and to the USA
  • Implementing a vision for the future of our district

The Economy runs on:

  • People
  • Energy
  • Trade


· Invest in K-12

· Invest in Headstart

· Invest in community colleges

· Make college affordable for students in our district


For too long we’ve depended on:

· Old energy

· Debt

· Consumption

We need to focus on:

· New energy

· Investment

· Production


· Our district does not produce/export anything

· We need tax & trade policies to facilitate production and exporting of goods/services

On Monday night John also conveyed a lot about his background, philosophy and values that resonated deeply with me- which is the main reason I support him. I don't know exactly how you get decency & compassion across on a website, but it seems to me to be missing there.

Here's I would like to see additionally:

  • More about specific concerns & positions of Unaffiliated and Independent voters (the addition of Independent voters is mine-- maybe John's office has a reason for not mentioning Independent voters- I may be mistaken about this)
  • an outline of what his vision is, event though it likely repeats the points under Economy (People, Trade, Energy)
  • an outline of what constitutes "ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars responsibly"
  • elaboration on what CD 6 could produce/export

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reform Payday Lending in Colorado

JeffCo Boards and Commissions Openings

From a JeffCo email:
Board and Commission Members Assist in Governing Jeffco

Interested in how Jefferson County forms policies and procedures at Open Space parks? Want to have input into where the county's scientific and cultural grants go? Have ideas about what 4-H, horticulture and environmental educational programs should be offered at Jeffco's CSU Extension Office?

Apply to join one of the county's boards and commissions that help to make these and other important decisions.

The Board of County Commissioners appoints more than 300 citizens to serve on 15 boards and commissions. Members study issues in depth, oversee and make recommendations regarding specific county functions, and assist in governing Jefferson County.

The county is accepting applications through March 1, and new appointments are planned for March 31. The current openings are:

Board of Adjustment - 4 openings

Board of Health - 1 opening

Board of Review - 2 openings

Citizen Review Panel - 3 openings

Community Service Advisory Board - 1 opening

CSU Extension Advisory Board - 6 openings

Developmental Disabilities Resource Center - 1 opening

Fair Advisory Board - 2 openings

Historical Commission - 1 opening

Library Board - 3 openings

Open Space Advisory Committee - 4 openings

Planning Commission - 3 openings

Scientific & Cultural Facilities District - 1 opening

Tri-County Workforce Investment Board - 5 openings

Help shape your county's future. Join a Jeffco board or commission!

For more information, visit: or e-mail