
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Survey: Thought-Provoking Questions for the Liberal-Minded

1. What do you want
for your family?
for your community?
for the world?

2. What do you care about?

3. What needs to be changed or solved
in our community?
in the world?

4. What do you believe in?

5. Complete the sentence (or paragraph, or essay...):
"In an ideal community..."

6. Do you have thoughts about how to address the following problems? If you do, please share.
• Climate / environment / habitat
• Recession / economy / jobs
• Education
• Poverty
• Iraq / Afghanistan
• Israel / Palestine
• Threat of terrorism
• Middle East Instability
• Any other urgent problem

What Makes MAP Tick?

Here is one response to the second question of our survey. In a few days I'll start publishing entire survey responses (anonymously, unless I have permission from the authors)and begin to draw out common threads.

What do you care about?
1. Food encompasses so much.
Eating well in a way that respects the farmers and laborers (not
exposing them to toxins); in a way that nourishes the body (food is
made up of chemicals – keep them balanced); in a way that respects our
place in evolution (no GMOs); sustainably, so that we don’t consume
more rapidly than the earth can continue to provide (less meat).
2. Maintaining our habitat so that it is a place for our children to thrive
3. Meeting at least the basic needs of people in our country (food,
shelter, clean air, clean water, preventative health care, education)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What makes TP tick?

Are you wondering what makes Tea Party folks tick?

If 4% of the general public has attended a TP event or given money to the TP, maybe we need to "wake up and stand up" to quote the Coffee Party. Not that we need to be the Coffee Party (though it's a cool thing). But we need to act. In an organized way.